

General settings

⭐ How do I manage my company page?

⭐ How do I manage my reviews?



How do I publish my Flexi-job or student job for free on Jobat?

How do I get my job online?

How can I publish my job free of charge on my partner sites (Federations, colleges and universities)?

How can I modify the layout of my jobs?

How can I add a logo to a job?

How can I get my job offline?

How do I add a second and third language?

How can I add additional questions to the application form?

12 tips for a successful job advertisement


CV Shop

How do I search by key words?

How does the advanced search by key words work (AND, OR, AND NOT, ...) ?

How can I receive the latest CVs by mail?

What are tags?



How can I easily follow up on applications?

How can I ask colleagues for feedback about candidates?

How can I answer one or more candidates?

How can I create talent pools?



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